CABC Audience Analysis
Brandwatch data was retrieved for the period from June 18 to Aug 17, 2021. The Brandwatch results were
geo filtered to the six countries (South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Nigeria and Tanzania). Focusing on
the six specified countries, the query was designed to capture as much general vaccine conversation as
possible. We also used BrandsEye’s crowd to obtain a more in-depth analysis on our findings, as well as
CABC’s own tool, Ananzi, to identify any inauthentic, coordinated vaccine-hesitancy messaging.
The outputs of the analyses conducted with these Social Listening tools were further benchmarked by other
available regional and country social media listening reports, local and global academic research, as well as
expert opinion. This was then used to identify the following key segments, social profiles and their underlying
belief structures – as the basis by which to pinpoint the “sweet-spots” in which to stage interventions.
It is important to note, however, that while these findings have provided us with enough insight to develop a
communication strategy for the cross-country intervention, this conversation is dynamic and fluid. Hence, we
continue to regularly collect data and conduct analyses using the aforementioned tools, and to make use of
the other aforementioned sources to ensure that the narrative development supporting the creative
interventions, as well as the communication strategy, remains responsive to the most recent developments
in the conversation.