Daily Maverick

Disinformation, misinformation and barefaced lies: The online war of words in the Battle of Nkandla

Jacob Zuma and his supporters have wrapped their campaign around one big misrepresentation, which they unashamedly put into the public discourse at every opportunity: That the former president has done nothing wrong and is being persecuted for political purposes. Tentacles of disinformation have been developed around the big lie to strangle the truth.   Read …

Disinformation, misinformation and barefaced lies: The online war of words in the Battle of Nkandla Read More »

What can we learn from the pandemics of the past?

From small pox in 1893 to the 1904 “Durban Plague” to the 1918 Spanish Flu to Covid-19 in 2020, South Africa has faced many scary viruses. Professor Philip Harrison, the South African research chair in spatial analysis and city planning at Wits’ Gauteng Regional City Observatory has done extensive research on past pandemics and believes …

What can we learn from the pandemics of the past? Read More »