Protest report

This is a summary of the protests that occurred over the period of: 14 July – 20 July 2020

Summary of the Week:

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A total of forty (40) protests were recorded.

The table below shows a breakdown of the motives or issues that led to the protests occurring:

Protest 1: Service Delivery

On the 14th of July 2020, a protest was reported in extensions 25 & 28, Vryburg, North West. Approximately 50 community members gathered to protest having been without electricity for over a week. Protestors telephonically engaged the premier of the North West Province, Prof. Tebogo Job Mokgor. Police responded to the incident and used rubber bullets to disperse the crowd. Some community members were injured.

Source: Vryburg Independent Post

Protest 2: Motive Unknown

On the 14th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Wasbank, Kwa-Zulu Natal on Helpmakaar Rd.. The article below features a photo of burning tires and SAPS vehicles. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Northern Natal Courier

Protest 3: COVID-19 (Health Care)

On the 14th of July 2020, a protest was reported at the Gateway Clinic in Mount Frere, Eastern Cape. An unknown number of health care staff stopped working due to health concerns, calling for safer working conditions. Four workers at the facility had recently tested positive and protestors allege that the clinic was not closed or evacuated in order to be sanitized.

Source: EWN

Protest 4: Service Delivery

On the 14th of July 2020, a protest was reported in extension 12 of Embalenle, Govan Mbeki, Mpumalanga. Residents gathered to protest not having electricity since Saturday.

Source: Twitter

Protest 5: Motive unknown

On the 15th of July 2020, a protest was reported on Chris Hani Road between Chiawelo Clinic and Protea Gardens, in Johannesburg. This resulted in the closure of the road. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 6: Motive unknown

On the 15th of July 2020, a protest was reported at Mapetla on Koma Road, in Johannesburg. The road was barricaded with rocks and burning tires. This affected buses and taxis. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 7: Housing

On the 15th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Eerste Rivier, in Cape Town. The protest was initiated by the residents of Mfuleni who were protesting against being relocated and evicted from their homes. Residents of Mfuleni claim that people from neighbouring communities are being given preferential access to housing, and paying community leaders to sell them the houses. A bus and two other vehicles were petrol-bombed during the protest. On Thursday Mayor Dan Plato said that some of the law enforcement officers who responded to these protests had been hospitalized with serious injuries after they clashed with protestors.

Source: Dispatch LiveTwitterIOL

Protest 8: Motive unknown

On the 15th of July 2020, a protest was reported at Sir Lowry’s Pass Village, in Cape Town. This led to the closure of the road between N2 and William Sergeant Road. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 9: Motive unknown

On the 15th of July 2020, a protest was reported at Lamontville on Ntuli and Mhlongo Rd, in Ethekwini. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 10: Motive unknown

On the 15th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Imizamo Yethu, in Western Cape. The motive of the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 11: Service delivery – Electricity

On the 16th of July 2020, a protest was reported at Corner 12th Avenue and Selbourne in Alexandra. Community members protested against the lack of power in the area and stated that they have been without electricity for over a day. The protest included the barricading of the road with burning tires.

Source: Twitter

Protest 12: Service delivery – Electricity

On the 16th of July 2020, Diepsloot residents staged a protest over ongoing power cuts in the area. The residents used rubble and burning tyres to block roads.

Source: Twitter

Protest 13: Employment

On the evening of 16th of July 2020, over 50 community health workers were dispersed from the Eastern Cape Department of Health head office in Bhisho. Police used riot shields and stun grenades. The contract-based community health workers had been sleeping overnight with the intention to meet with Superintendent-general Dr Thobile Mbengashe about permanent employment.

Source: Daily Maverick

Protest 14: Housing

On the 16th of July 2020, residents of Hlalani staged a protest on the N2 outside of Knysna, Western Cape over housing issues. Frustrated residents barricaded the N2 road with debris and burning tyres in a demonstration against an unfinished housing project. The protest lasted for two hours. Law enforcement intervened and dispersed the crowd.

Source: The Citizen

Protest 15: Unknown

A protest was reported on the night of 16th of July 2020, in Soweto Legwale road. The protest included the blocking of the road using rocks and debris, causing public transport disruption in the morning of the 17th of July.

Source: Twitter

Protest 16: Unknown

On the 16th of July 2020, a protest action was reported in Johannesburg, Gauteng on Marlboro drive near the Gautrain Marlboro station, disrupting midi-bus services for the day. The protest motive is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 17: Unknown

On the 16th of July 2020, a protest action was reported in Du Noon affecting the MyCiti bus route. The protest motive is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 18: Service Delivery

On the 17th of July 2020, a protest was reported along Modjadji and Chris Hani Road, Pimville, in Soweto (Gauteng). The protest was initiated by residents who have experienced electricity cut for the past six weeks. A road was blocked with rocks and burning tires.

Source: TwitterDaily MaverickTwitter

Protest 19: Covid-19

On the 17th of July 2020, a protest was reported at the VWSA production line in Uitenhage, Eastern Cape. The protest was initiated by the workers who were demanding their UIF money. They were also concerned with unsafe working conditions related to COVID-19.

Source: TwitterHerald Live

Protest 20: Service Delivery

On the 17th of July 2020, a protest was reported at Parkrand – N17, in Boksburg, Gauteng. The protest was initiated by Parkrand residents because they were experiencing a power cut for three days.

Source: Twitter

Protest 21: Covid-19

On the 17th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Mossel Bay at the Western Cape Education Department. The protest was initiated by about 100 to 150 learners of Indwe Secondary School. They were protesting against the opening of the schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. The protesters were ordered to disperse from the location by law enforcement officials under the Disaster Management Act

Source: Mossel Bay Advertiser

Protest 22: Gender-Based Violence

On the 17th of July 2020, a peaceful protest was reported at Bisley Park Primary School, in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. The protest was initiated by the staff of Bisley Park Primary School against gender based violence becoming more prevalent in the country.

Source: Awsum News

Protest 23: Motive unknown

On the 17th of July 2020, a protest was reported between the Airport and Khayelitsha, in Cape Town. The motive for the protest is unknown. This resulted in a queuing traffic.

Source: Twitter

Protest 24: Service delivery

On the 18th of July 2020, a protest was reported at the intersection of the N2 and the R300 near Delft, Cape Town, Western Cape. An unknown number of residents gathered because of power interruptions linked to cable theft in Wesbank, Delft. Two trucks were set alight and major roads were shut down, resulting in extensive traffic disruption.

Source: News24

Protest 25: Service delivery

On the 18th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Boksburg, Gauteng. An unknown number of residents protested due to an electricity shortage that had been ongoing for 3 days.

Source: Twitter

Protest 26: Housing

On the 18th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Khayelitsha, Western Cape. This incident was allegedly perpetrated by people attempting to occupy land in Mfuleni. Ndithini Tyhido (chairperson of Khayelitsha Development Forum) called the burning of this community building “thuggery disguised as a protest”. A section of the Desmond Tutu Hall was set alight. The fire consumed a brand new extension built for COVID-19 response that had just been completed the week before. The cost of the facility was nearly R1m. An Eskom vehicle was also burnt and PRASA vehicles were damaged. The incident included violence, 6 Train operations injuries were reported and 4 OHTE workers were hospitalized. Train employees were directed to stop work on the Khayelitsha line. Eskom also suspended operations in the area. Mew Way and Japhta Masemola roads were closed due to protestors burning tyres in the road. Police responded and four suspects have been charged with public violence.

Source: The WCNews24TwitterGround Up

Protest 27: Motive unknown

On the 18th and 19th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal along the N2 near Spaghetti Junction and the M7 highway exit. Reports show pictures of burning tires. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: TwitterTwitter

Protest 28: Crime

On the 18th of July 2020, a protest occurred outside parliament in Cape Town, Western Cape. Reportedly, hundreds of members from the stop farm murders/attacks movements and bikers gathered outside parliament carrying placards reading “stop farm killings” and “no farms, no food.” They said that farm violence is not being acknowledged by the government. Their demands included farm violence being declared a ‘national key point.’

Source: SA People NewsIOL

Protest 29: Service Delivery

On the 19th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng along the R59 near Greenfield, Palm Ridge and Eden Park. At least forty residents blocked the R59 going to Thokoza. Two tweets reporting on the protest cite service delivery as a motive but neither provide further details.

Source: TwitterTwitter

Protest 30: Service Delivery

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Lamontville, Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. This major protest was picked up by several media outlets. At least one hundred residents protested by blockading parts of the township with burning debris and tires. The Sizakala centre (which houses South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) offices and a clinic) was also burned as well as six government vehicles. The protest was in response to a power cut in an informal settlement area resulting from a disconnection by residents in a formal housing area. Police responded to the incident and dispersed protestors by firing rubber bullets and making arrests for public violence.

Source: Times Live

Protest 31: Motive unknown

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Diepsloot, Gauteng on the N14 west of R511. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 32: Motive unknown

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Soweto, Gauteng on Chris Hani Rd. opposite Maponya mall. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 33: Motive unknown

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported near Eshowe, Kwa-Zulu Natal on the R66 at Mountain View. The post includes a picture showing two trucks that were torched. The motive for the protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

Protest 34: Employment

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported at the gates of the Eldoglen Estate in Centurion, Gauteng. An unknown number of builder workers gathered to demand wages from a resident of the estate. The resident claims that he hired the workers through a subcontractor who was paid in full. In a statement, the company claims to have obtained a court order against the workers for threatening and trying to extort money from the company.

Source: Twitter

Protest 35: Motive unknown

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Dobsonville, Gauteng on Elias Motsoaledi Rd. at Indingilizi. At least fifty protestors gathered for unknown motives. The post includes a picture showing burning tires and protestors blocking the road.

Source: Twitter

Protest 36: Motive unknown

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported on the R102 near Umlazi, Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. Protestors blocked the R102(M30) for unknown motives.

Source: Twitter

Protest 37: Motive unknown

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported at Koeberg Rd. and Bosmansdam Rd., Century City, Cape Town, Western Cape. MiCITI bus tweeted that the T03 and T04 had been deviated due to “possible protest action.”

Source: Twitter

Protest 38: Schooling

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Pretoria. Students were demanding that management save the academic year, they stated that the institution deals with medicine, therefore learning was essential during the pandemic.

Source: Twitter

Protest 39: Employment

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported Outside ArcelorMittal offices in Gauteng, where members of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) were protesting against possible retrenchments or salary reductions that were being contemplated by ArcelorMittal.

Source: The South African

Protest 40: Motive unknown

On the 20th of July 2020, a protest was reported in Strand, Western Cape on the N2 at R102. The motive behind this protest is unknown.

Source: Twitter

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Issued by the Centre for Analytics and Behavioural Change.

About CABC

The Centre for Analytics and Behavioural Change (CABC) is a non-profit organisation based at UCTs Graduate School of Business and incubated by the Allan Gray Centre for Values-Based Leadership. It was established to track and counter mis- and disinformation, fake news and divisive and polarising rhetoric that is promulgated online to undermine social cohesion, democratic integrity, and the stability of nation states.

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